Saturday, March 17, 2012

how to: chalkboard wall

Hey here's a cool idea

chalk board!!!!
1. go to any store that sells paint
2. get chalk board paint
3. paint any wall,  table or flat surface
4. HAVE FUN !!!!! 
(5. ask parents permission first!!)
or they might freak out if they see a black wall.

xo- ayva

UNICORN love it!!

ever want to be a waitress???

Just don't feed the animals!!!

Here's your drink.

Lions aren't that scary.

Guess what ... ROAR!!!!!

Growing antlers... time to raise the roof!!

Connect to nature MAN!!

Have you ever held a bird or be invisible??

you can be any thing ... even a PANDA!!

So excited my brain exploded!!!!!

hello, i am ayva!

Hi, i am Ayva. i LOVE art ,fashion ,and one of my dream jobs is to be a fashion designer!!
I am eleven years old.  I have a little brother named Rio, my family lives in a small pink house in Oregon. 

My mother, Jessica Levin works as a interior stylist + artist.  she loves art too.  sometimes we work together. 
She lets me do lots of creative things!  (like a blog)

you can see her blog here: hellojessicalevin.

i cannot wait to show you all the things we work on.   see you soon

xo<3 Ayva

me in action !!!

this is me at the Fashion Gala 2011 in Hood River.
my mom did circus style make-up for the show and she puts some on me too!